Ours2share's Blog

Hazelwood and Churchill (Victoria, Australia) local Girl Guide information noticeboard.

What do I get out of this?

Everything we do as a person is knowledge gained that can be used towards something else. These are called stepping stones or gaining of life skills.

Some things we set out to do (our goals) are directly put towards badges.  Other things in the weekly program you helped organise may still go towards badges but we may not be sure where they fit in.  Talk to others around you (include the leaders as they may just know something too!!!) and find out where others have used these challenges. Activities, events and Service things are often being planned from the District and above level too. getting involved in these events again widens your views on what can and is achieved.

Show your badge books to your friends and family they may have ideas too.  Your friends might even want to be invited to do something with you too.

Every time the challenges are used or done they take on more dimensions.  We develop what we do.  First by learning from someone else, making mistakes, redoing the challenge, improving on how things work, having the skill to use the equipment in a ‘funner’ way… or on why the thing did not work out.

Oranising ourselves, team members, the public and even our families and friends. Knowing what to take, the jobs and activities that go into making this an event to remember (and want to remember!)  Talking and communicating with each other is a good skill to always improve on. Having a voice (advacacy) as well as using the governance skills gained where you and your friends can represent yourselves as individuals, or as a group/ team.

Working through the evaluations, then the pre-programing for the next time the challenge is run is a built on experience. Knowing how the thing is meant to work, the program and then what actually does happen to make it work.

Next level of gaining the skill is doing the job as a full member of the team or by yourself.  This greatly depends on what the challenge is, the job is.  Once you have the hang of this then your next challenge is to show someone else how and what to do.  Let them have the fun of just doing something, being part of the team, making the mistakes, correcting them too, including  them in the next adventure.

Gaining a skill, then showing others how to do this skill, learning another skill and repeating the basic process  is part of skill gathering and may be even ‘maturing’ – not necessarily getting older either. Do we ever stop learning.  I hope not. But as we progress in  Guides there are different ways of  wearing badges.

Check out the lapel badges

Lapel badges not often seen

In the beginning of anyone’s Guiding experiences the gaining of badges may happen quickly.  Then they get a little harder.  There is going to be gaps to fill in now on different badge requirements.  So now you set out to fill in these gaps either by yourself, with family, friends, peers, other Guides (at Guides or not).

When badges are presented please remember that some Guides may have taken a long time to actually finish off a few which seem to be be given out at the same time.  This is just how things happen.  The impression is false if one thinks that someone is a ‘better’ Guide, or better at Guides than someone else because of the badges on a sash or a shirt.  This is not the case.  Take into consideration how many years has that person been in Guides, is her family involved, does she include other activities into her Guiding awards?  Does she choose not to wear her badges on her sash?  Was there a problem where the sash or shirt was destroyed (accident, fire) or lost (when moving, or put down on a train, at a camp?)   Simply is she not interested in awards, unable to afford the sash or badges?  Or is she busy finalizing a handful of others but has not finished them yet? May be she just wants to do one at a time and do that one well.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision

January 21, 2010 Posted by | Activites, events and service, Advocacy, Australian Guide Program, Badges, Awards and more, Challenge the World, Culinary Arts, Elements of Guiding Program, Fundamentals of Guiding Program, Gipps Guides, Governance, Leadership, Life skills gained, Programs, Region Guiding, Stepping stones, Survival methods, Uncategorized, what do Guides Do?, Who and what are the Girl Guides, World Guiding, Youth Members | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments