Ours2share's Blog

Hazelwood and Churchill (Victoria, Australia) local Girl Guide information noticeboard.

Benefits, challenges and participations

Working on Guiding Promise and Law

How does the Promise and Law reflect in a Guides life?

So how do people benefit from joining, participating and both activity being involved and involving others within the Guiding World. Usually the questions are spasmodic,bubbling up to the surface as innocent comments, actions and inclusion factors.

The world into which Girl Guiding takes a person is up to that person herself. Guiding has many stepping-stones. Watch the Youth members in full formal uniform and there on the sash (or as in older Guide the shirt) may be an impressive row of badges. These are the visible evidence of a Guide who has accepted her challenges, met the requirements,

3 of the Gipps Guides

Welcome to being a Gipps guide.

been peer assessed and formally had these awards presented to her. Or there may be very few visible award/badges.  She may have chosen not to be presented the badge, or even not completely finish the challenge or one of the  Peak  Achievement Awards.  Just knowing that she herself has met either all or part of the challenges towards achieving the award may be enough for her self-esteem or self consciousness.

Each person is unique and different. How each person deals with what is ‘Guiding’, and the informed choices they make is something that Guide may either be bombarded with or gently encouraged to step into.  Usually the first will scare then away from widening their own horizons. The second allows for the participants to develop interests, skills and awareness’.

Entering an area where there is activity going on also be a negative to coming forward.  Self esteem issues exposed.  Will I be good enough, am I welcome, do I really want to queries just run through a new persons head.  What is the difference then between an adult or child.Having friends bring you to the Guide activity is important.  Then having that known person introduce you, get you involved and included and having an imput is the next best thing to accepting that ‘you’ really ‘are’ wanted, needed and are part of the peer group.  Those loneliness and isolation factors begin to recited.

Having parents and other family members involved within Guiding also assists in creating a stability balance.  Hazelwood District has levels to include both parents, careers and specifically the 18 to 30-year-old women. As a service to the community the District team also run an aligned program for the 10 to 25’s of both sexes.  Check these out.  Now there are family ties threading through the Guiding that the new members may feel secure within and appreciate their family members doing things too.

The thing is why stop here.  Guiding does not stop at the District. the benefits are positive, on going, have a resounding ripple through both our lives, anything we touch and those around us within the community. There are off shoots into peoples lives that are quietly dealt with.  Frear of people being close, walking and working amonst crowds, isolation issues, avoiding put downs through non participation are just to name a few of the known hurdles I have personally seen overcome through being a Guide in the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guide District.

Give Guiding a fair go and welcome aboard.

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