Ours2share's Blog

Hazelwood and Churchill (Victoria, Australia) local Girl Guide information noticeboard.


ISLAM What is Islam?

Islam is a complete way of life based on the teachings of the Holy Quran (which is the
divine word of God) and Hadith which are the recorded teachings and practices of
i                Islam’s final prophet, Mohammad. Anything outside these sources is not Islam.

What does Islam mean?

Islam means peace and total submission and obedience to Allah (God).

What does Allah mean?

The word ALLAH is an Arabic term which means the one and only God who is the ^-/ creator and provider of everything. The word Allah is also the personal name of God. It is a unique term because it does not have a plural and it is neither a male or female term since Allah is genderless. It is therefore a more accurate term to use than the term God.

What Is a Muslim?

A Muslim is a person who believes in the Islamic creed.

What are the five pillars of ISLAM?                                                          What do Muslims believe in?


1.  The first pillar of Islam is the                                                                    1.  The oneness of God (Allah)
declaration of faith.

2.  The angels of Allah

2.  The second pillar of Islam is the

five compulsory daily prayers.                                                                     3.  The books of Allah

3.  The third pillar of Islam is known                                                               4. The messengers of Allah as zakat, which is annual alms.

5.  Predestination

4.  The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting during the month of Ramadan.   6.  Life after death.

5.  The fifth pillar of Islam is the                                                                     7.  The day of resurrection
pilgrimage to the Holy City of
Mecca.                                                                                                                8.  The day of judgement

What is the difference between the teachings of Islam and the practices of some Muslims?

Not every Muslim who claims to be a follower of Islam follows Islam in its pure form. A religion should therefore be judged by its teachings and not by people who claim to be its followers.

Source: FAMSY

Mc Evory, M. Program Compendium : a life line for leaders in Brownie Guide and guide sections. Girl Guide Association of Victoria 1985

April 10, 2010 Posted by | Allah, Associate, Candles, consider, Discuss, Explore, Extend, Faith Awareness, Friendship, girl, Illustrate, international, Learn, other People, Prepare, Raise, Religions, Research, Self-development, Superior-One, Take part in, Think | , , | 3 Comments

Attending ‘my’ place of Worship

It is my understanding that :
Guiding recognises that faith and worship is a very important factor in most peoples lives. Faith, belief and Worship enriches peoples lives in so many different ways.
Guiding itself is a non-religious, non-political organisation. This being said guiding supports those members who choose to attend places of worship and to express themselves in a respectful and diligent way that allows for them to respect and live with themselves, their family,community, their environment and the world around them.

Susan Connor

November 18, 2009 Posted by | Bahi, Budda, Christianity. Worship, faith, God, Islam, Jesus, Muslem, Respect, Superior-One | Leave a comment

What’s a Guides Own?

With a group of people a very simple ceremony that says “Thank you” is a Guides Own. Usually based on a theme. You involve your own “Superior Being” and simply communicate a thanks using different communication methods.

Since every Guide has made her own Promise she is reflecting on her own beliefs. Therefor there may be a mixed bag of “Superior Ones” represented. As a participant there are many methods to show respect of everyone’s wishes and beliefs.

November 16, 2009 Posted by | communication, Guides Own, Respect, Superior-One | Leave a comment