Ours2share's Blog

Hazelwood and Churchill (Victoria, Australia) local Girl Guide information noticeboard.

The Memory Name Game

This is a fun icebreaker.

1. Choose a Guide to start the game. This Guide says their name and tells about an activity that they enjoy. The Guide then develops a movement to represent this activity.

2. The next Guide in the Unit or row then stands up and repeats step one for themself. Then this Guide has to repeat what the first Guide has said and the movement the previous Guide did.

3. These steps are repeated with all the Guides until everyone has had a turn or the Guides can go no further. The last Guide has the hardest job of remembering all the names and movements.

With younger Guides, instead of going through the whole Unit, you can play in Patrols.
A Guidecan be picked to give clues to other Guide who get stuck.

May 22, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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  1. […] Memory name game, Musical Statues, […]

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